The boundary between public and private has been demolished and there's no way back. "Privacy is no longer the social norm" Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg stated recently. Not so long ago artists moved and provoked the audience with their greasy sheets and dirty cigarette butts (Tracey Emin), the birth of their child (Ed van der Elsken and Stan Brakhage) and intimate sex scenes (Andy Warhol amongst others). An artistic era has perished because everyone’s dirty laundry is hanging out.
The dialogue between Ward Weemhoff and Wine Dierickx, not only a couple on stage, takes us to the limits of the intimate. Blurring the borders between fiction and reality, between the re-enactments of iconic works of art (by artists couples Yoko Ono and John Lennon and Jeff Koons and Illona Staller), and their private lives, they evoke the time when the intimate still had something mysterious. At the same time, they also raise the question of the usefulness and appeal of the secret and masked. Privacy is staged as a striptease of personal confessions. It confronts us with our ethical stance, our nostalgic desire for eroticism in times of post-private pornography.
een production of
Hebbel am Ufer, De Warme Winkel, Wunderbaum
concept, text and performance
Wine Dierickx en Ward Weemhoff
sound design
S.M. Snider
dramaturgy and text contributions
Joachim Robbrecht
Rob Klinkenberg
set design
Theun Mosk
final direction
Marien Jongewaard
production coordination
Carry Hendriks
production & technique
Sabine Oldenburg
technical coordination
HP Hulscher
1st inspecient & technique
Saskia de Vries
Sylvie Dees, Maartje van Doodewaard
Thanks to
Florian Hellwig, Thomas van Krugten & Anna Schaap