'So many representations, so many appearances seperate us from eachother ' Luce Irigaray
In 1879 Ibsen's A Doll's House aroused controversy as it revealed the oppressive mechanisms in a society ruled by men and money. Since then, the play has become a favourite of audiences as an exciting and dramatic representation of 'the battle of the sexes'. However in 2016, after 137 years of feminism, the world has changed, and Nora Helmer cannot longer accept to be pushed in the role of rebellious woman, whilst confirming traditional family patterns. In Crashtest Ibsen she decides to defy the dramatic logic and revolts against the way in which her role inevitbly leads her to catastrophy. At the end of the play, she finds an alternative way out of the malaise!
Huidige cast
Eva van Gessel, Rosa van Leeuwen, Joep van der Geest, Matthijs Ijgosse, Louis van der Waal & een wisselend Moeremans&sons lidHuidige cast
Joachim Robbrecht
Sarah Moeremans
Current cast
Evan van Gessel, Rosa van Leeuwen, Joep van der Geest, Matthijs Ijgosse, Louis van der Waal & een wisselend Moeremans&Sons lid.
Previous cast
Ko van den Bosch, Evelien Bosmans, Nazanin Taheri, Joke Tjalsma, Louis van der Waal
Costume design
Daphne de Winkel
Production and Marketing
Noord Nederlands Toneel